Can Tho University (CTU)

Collaboration Activities


15 December 2023

TAR UMT had collaborated with CTU on the CSE International Conference  2023 held on 15 December 2023 to facilitate interdisciplinary exchange and advance research in computer science and engineering.


From 9 August to 12 August 2023

TAR UMT had collaborated with CTU on the International Researchers & Student Conference  2023 held between 9 and 12 August 2023.

This conference was a collaboration among nine (9) Universities including  University of Da Nang, Universitas Tarumanagara, Petra Christian University, Duta Wacana Christian University,  Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University, Universitas Esa Unggul, Heriot-Watt University and TAR UMT.



7 September 2022

TAR UMT visited CTU on 7 September 2022 to explore potential collaboration on student exchange, staff exchange, research/scholarly activities, academic programme and etc.


From 14 July to 16 July 2022

13 students from CTU attended the Virtual International Student Conference (VISC) 2022 organized by TAR UMT between 14 July 2022 and 16 July 2022.

The theme for VISC 2022 is “Appreciate Differences: Embracing Cultural Diversity”. Cultural diversity encourages creativity and exchange of ideas, as well as fosters meaningful dialogue among the participants. Learning about different cultures allows participants to become comfortable with cultural differences across social groups and to build cultural competency for their future working life. Activities conducted in this event include Campus Life Sharing, Cultural Presentation, Debate, Plenary session with the Industry and Handicraft.



8 December 2021

An online sharing session – “Using Wastes as Fine Aggregates in Construction Materials” has been organized on 8 December 2021 for the students of TAR UMT and CTU.


19 November 2021

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between TAR UMT and CTU has been signed on 19 November 2021.

This MoU was signed to provide a framework in the collaboration activities and promote cooperation in a wide variety of programs and projects, taking into consideration the principle of mutual interests, equal rights, and respect for each other's independence.


4 August 2021

A guest lecture – “Project Cost Management” has been conducted by Ts. Hashdi Bin Abdul Muid from Faculty of Built Environment (FOBE) of TAR UMT for students from CTU on 4 August 2021.



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