Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University (WMSCU)

Collaboration Activities


22 November 2023

Progression Agreement between TAR UMT and WMSCU was signed on 22 November 2023.  This Agreement was signed to facilitate the progression of students who have successfully completed the Bachelor International Business Management programme provided by WMSCU to the Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme at TAR UMT.


From 24 September to 30 September 2023

Under the Staff Exchange programme, staff from the WMSCU was invited to be the guest lecturer to deliver teaching to students at TAR UMT.

14 August 2023

Staff Exchange Agreement between TAR UMT and WMSCU was signed on 14 August 2023.  This Agreement was signed to develop mutual cooperation, promote academic exchange as well as the exchange faculty program.

From 9 August to 12 August 2023

TAR UMT had collaborated with WMSCU on the International Researchers & Student Conference 2023 held between 9 and 12 August 2023.

This conference was a collaboration among nine (9) Universities including  Can Tho University, Universitas Tarumanagara, University of Danang, Duta Wacana Christian University,  Petra Christian University, Universitas Esa Unggul, Heriot-Watt University and TAR UMT.

From 6 August 2023 to 11 August 2023

Under the Staff Exchange programme, staff from the WMSCU was invited to be the guest lecturer to deliver teaching to students at TAR UMT.



From 5 September 2022 to 9 September 2022

Under the Staff Exchange programme, staff from the WMSCU was invited to be the guest lecturer to deliver teaching to students at TAR UMT.

4 August 2022

Staff Exchange Agreement between TAR UMT and WMSCU was signed on 4 August 2022.  This Agreement was signed to develop mutual cooperation, promote academic exchange as well as the exchange faculty program.


30 May 2022

The Chairman of Board of Governors, member of the Board and Senior Officials of TAR UMT visited WMSCU on 30 May 2022. During the visitation, both Universities had gained an insight into future trends in education, research and innovation in Indonesia and how the universities collaborate with the industry and contribute to the wider community. Both Universities also had a sharing session on effective governance and long-term sustainability of universities.


18 April 2022

Staff from the Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business of TAR UMT visited WMSCU on 18 April 2022 to promote international understanding, scholarly and collaboration, cultural interaction and friendship between the two universities.


23 February 2022

The Memorandum of Understanding between TAR UMT and Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University was signed on 23 February 2022. This MOU was signed to enable the Parties to share common and fundamental objectives of promoting and developing higher education opportunities in the Parties countries



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