About Us

About Us

The International Conference on Digital Transformation and Application (ICDXA) is commenced by creating an amalgamated global platform where enthusiastic researches, policy makers, stakeholders and intellectual scholars getting together for a common purpose of identifying the challenges and issues in Digital Transformation, come for solid and sustainable methods to solve the particular issues by their combined research findings.

The 1st International Conference on Digital Transformation and Applications (ICDXA2020) was held from 14th – 16th January 2020 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It brought us a unique experience with the speeches from renowned speakers, best presentations, roundtable discussions, networking opportunities and many more, recorded at ICDXA2020 website: ICDXA 2020

The 2nd conference (ICDXA 2021) will be held on 25th - 26th December 2021, aims to promote research, education, and industry implementation that involve Digital Transformation (DX) processes. DX has changed industries and institutions in ways that replicate transformations of the past to remake processes to become more effective and efficient. Despite the rising of interdisciplinary research of 5G, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and internet of things, scholarly attention so far has focused on the effects of the single technology.

To explore the implications of DX, ICDXA 2021 investigates these phenomena from different field of interests: big data analytics, industry 4.0, computational intelligence, deep learning, computer vision, robotics, human computer interaction, communication, networking, security, technology applications in scientific, engineering, commerce and social sciences.

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ICDXA 2021