Registered Student

General Information

Students can check their personal particulars on the Student Intranet. It is the responsibility of students to notify the University for any change in their personal particulars  to ensure their particulars in the University database are accurate and  up-to-date at all times.

The University will not be responsible/accountable for delayed or lost mail or wrong information printed on official documents due to incorrect or obsolete students’ addresses and contacts in the University database.

It is important for all new students to attend the Orientation.

Students who have accepted the offer of admission via payment of fees and thus, have registered for the programme are to log in to nearer to the commencement of programmes to check on the Orientation schedule (under "Student Information").

Timetable for the programme will be posted on the Student Intranet latest one to three days  before the commencement of programme.

Students who wish to obtain leave of absence are to apply and submit the application via Student Intranet.

Students absent with valid reason(s) are to submit relevant supporting documents (e.g. original medical certificate).

Action may be taken against students who are absent without prior permission/approval by the Faculty/Centre/Branch.

New students who wish to transfer to a programme of another Faculty/Centre/Branch are to apply via Student Intranet.

Students who wish to transfer to a programme within the same Faculty or Centre are to complete the prescribed form and submit it to the respective Faculty/Centre for Pre-University Studies office/Branch.

Approval for programme/campus transfer is NOT guaranteed.

Students who have accepted the programme/campus transfer through payment of fees (where applicable) will NOT be allowed to transfer back into their original programme/campus.

Ex-TARCians who had withdrawn from their Bachelor Degree/Diploma programme and have enrolled into another programme of the same level may be eligible for horizontal credit transfer.

The application for horizontal credit transfer is to be made at the respective Faculty latest by Friday of week 4 (for long semester) or week 3 (for short semester) after the commencement of the semester first joined. 

Students who wish to withdraw from their programmes must notify the Admissions Department.

The date the University receives the student’s withdrawal notification is the official date of withdrawal even if the student has stopped attending classes earlier.

Students who do not attend class or discontinues class attendance in a new semester without notifying the University of their withdrawal is liable to all fees due to the University for that semester and subsequently will be withdrawn from the University due to arrears of fees.


For Application for Refund of Caution Money please click here

Students who wish to defer their studies may apply for deferment of study by submitting the deferment form to their respective Faculty/Centre/Branch.


Students who had/were withdrawn from the University and would like to be reinstated as a student of the University may be considered for reinstatement.