Highlights/ Achievements

Unleashing Potentials: TAR UMT Brings AI closer to Foon Yew High School Students

195 students from Foon Yes High School, together with 17 trainers from different parts of Malaysia four secondary school teachers attended an insightful talk titled AI Marvels: From History to the Future. The talk was part of the Leadership Training Camp organised by the Youth Circle of Arts (YCA) in Johor Bahru and was held on 2 March 2024.

Ts Dr Tan Chi Wee from the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology (FOCS) conducted the talk, where his presentation offered students a captivating journey through the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI), providing valuable insights into its potential applications and impact on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With a focus on SDGs such as Quality Education (SDG 4), Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9), as well as Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11), students gained a deeper understanding of how AI can drive progress and address global challenges.

In addition to the enlightening talk, students were also exposed to various innovative projects showcased by FOCS. These projects embodied the latest advancements in computing technology and industry innovation, providing students with hands-on experiences and inspire them to explore future career paths in technology and entrepreneurship.


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